Thursday, April 9, 2009

Venice Venice

Hola queridos,

Each day I love Italy more and more! It's so hard to leave : ( (I for sure want to come back!)

Today we another early wake-up call, 2:30 am to be exact! After talking with some of the other folks in the hostel, I learned that we could take a shuttle from the station to the airport (since public transpotation isn't functioning at that unnaturally early time in the morning) so as to avoid paying Taxi fees (finally!). So we arrived at 3:20 AM, as we were told to do, and we waited, and waited, and waited, and finally left at 4:30 AM!

Not only is waiting a pain, but we needed to be at the airport with enough time to check in, security, etc.! So we were rushing through as fast as we could, but we made it & were off to Venice, Italy!

Venice is ... beautiful, amazing, peaceful, unique, calming, precious.....
I could just sit (as we did) for hours and just watch the people and boats go by. For those of you who aren't familiar with Venice (as I was before I learned about it), Venice has streets that are really water canals. This then includes that people have boats instead of cars (there are streets and cars, I don't want to give the wrong impression). Venice is where they have the famous bridges and gondolas with their singers (it's true!).

It was also in Venice that I tried my first gelato (ice cream)...and my second ... and true, Italian pizza! Hmmm mmm good ;)

We then had to train from Venice to Bergamo (Milan). Once we arrived, we returned to the same hostel we were at days prior (although it felt as though a lot more time had transpired, and settled in.


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