Monday, February 16, 2009

The Sisterhood of the Contraltos.

As I’ve alluded to in other posts, I joined the University choir here. It’s been a great experience & I think I’m approaching my third week of attendance! With time, I’ve met more and more people in the choir and I really enjoy the conversations and laughter that they bring to my life every Wednesday and Friday evening.

Well Sunday I had an amazing experience! The altos had a fiesta, it’s something that they do once a year (other than Christmas & other choir gathering), and they invited me. Me!

I had to bring a dish, which was an adventure in and of itself because I don’t know what to bring to a dinner in another country?! So after much debate, I ended up bringing a chorizo (chorizo originated from Spain and is like a ring of sausage back home, but it’s pork).
As if deciding on what to bring wasn’t challenging enough, I was faced with another challenge. After paying for my groceries, the food and beverages remained at the end of the register. Confused, I asked the cashier if there were bags and she said there were none! So here I am with more than a handful of food, only a jacket, and Spanish people with eyes like, “are you going to clear your stuff off?” I stuffed what I could into my jacket and carried the rest by hand; fortunately, the grocery store is just down the street and no one tried to rob my purchases!

For the fiesta, we also did a gift exchange & played the “open a gift or rob one” game! 10 euro limit was all I had to go off, again, another country, what do you buy?! This is what I bought; cappuccino packages, Lindt chocolates, a mug, and gourmet nuts & candy. The girl who received it is a sweetheart and at least acted like she loved it.

Here’s what I received (a Fondue set):

I ate so much food! It was delicious – really – delicious! Here are some of the pictures of what we ate & ate & ate … (I’m not going to explain what everything is cause that would take too long, but I’ll try to remember when I return).


After the feast, we played a thinking card game. Learning how to play a game that even the Spanish women didn’t understand at first was rather challenging…it’s okay, I only made a fool of myself every half hour or so :) Then we sang Karaoke (appropriate,right?) with a Karaoke game for Play Station…a little rare, but fun none the less.

The fiesta lasted the entire afternoon & was a great way to spend a Sunday. Great food…great company…great memories.



  1. So Brenna. Great experience. Are you supposed to bring your own bags to the grocery store. And dude by the way, you should have brought pizza. Duh. -Brit

  2. Sounds like you should have taken some Woodman's green grocery bags with you to Spain! you've got me hungry just seeing all that yummy food!


  3. Cual supermercado fuiste? Yo se que a Carrefour tienes que pagar para tu bolsa pero a Alimerka y El Arbol hay bolsas. Que raro!
